In this section we will explain the workflow on how to add users to our web app.

NOTE: There are two types of roles for the users: “Admin” (who can add other users) and regular “User”.

The “Admin” role has additional access priviledges:

  • Settings > Users
  • Settings > Access
  • Settings > Billing

The workflow to add a user is outlined below:

  1. On the dashboard navigate to Settings by cliking on the “Settings” button circled by the orange line.


  1. On the dashboard, click on the “Add User” button circled by the orange line.

New repo

  1. It will open up the following window, where you should add mandatory fields:
  • “Email”
  • “First Name”
  • “Last Name”
  • “Role” (Admin or User)

Create User

After clicking on “Add” button you will complete this step.

After it the user will receive an invitation email to your team.