In this section we will explain the steps on how to prepare DOCX template and upload to our web app. Initially, default DOCX templates can also be used.

On the home page, navigate to View > Templates & Themes. Click on the ... button next to the template and select the Download option.

Adjust the template according to your corporate standards (logo, styles, formatting etc). Please note that in order to be interoperable with PuzzlesCloud web app the following elements are required:

  1. (mandatory) Document root label, which marks where the web app will start inserting the content. The label is the following text ###pc-toc-start### placed on desired place in the template.
  2. (optional) Style names required to map 1:1 with MarkDown styles. If not set, our web app will, on a template upload, set missing ones by default. The required Style names are:
    - PC_H1
    - PC_H2
    - PC_H3
    - PC_H4
    - PC_H5
    - PC_H6
    - PC_Normal
    - PC_Bold
    - PC_Italic
    - PC_BlockCode
    - PC_Code
    - PC_InlineCode
    - PC_BulletList
    - PC_NumberedList
    - PC_TaskList
    - PC_Link
    - PC_TableText
    - PC_TableStyle
    - PC_TableCaption
    - PC_FigureCaption
  3. (optional) Template Variables can be placed anywhere in the document with the following format [[doc-title]] which can be then filled out thorugh the application GUI and saved by the application.

  4. (mandatory) Prepared DOCX template can be uploaded by clicking on the + Add New Teamplate button. You could set also existing name and the option to override existing template will be showed.