PuzzlesCloud architecture and solution offers also self-hosted On-premise deployment option, for the organisations that do not prefer Cloud based solution (SaaS). This article will provide more details about it.


There are the following prerequisites:

  1. Administrative prerequisites
    • License purchasing contract signed off, or
    • NDA signed off for the trial purposes
  2. 15-30 Minutes Session
    • to understand your deployment environment and requirements
    • based on this we will create the configuration file
  3. Technical prerequisites
    • Docker compose (supported on Linux, Mac or Windows)
    • Internet access (during installation only)


During 60 Minutes Session you will receive from the PuzzlesCloud team:

  • Docker Registry login information
  • docker-compose.yml configuration file

The steps needed for the deployment (during the session):

  1. Navigate to the folder with docker-compose.yml file
    $ cd <path>
  2. Login to Docker Registry
    $ docker login
  3. Run the application
    $ docker compose up