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Cloud Freemium
0.00 / User

- Users: 5
- Git & local projects: Unlimited
- Storage: Unlimited
- Articles, Documents, Webdocs: Unlimited
- Diagrams: PlantUML, C4
- Corporate templates: Unlimited
- Support SLA: Best effort

Cloud Team Premium
6.00 / User/ Month

5 user increments billed annually

<- Everything from Freemium +

- Users: 10+
- Hierarchical Teams (5+ Users): Unlimited
- APIs: Webhook for automated docs build
- Access control: IP subnets
- Support SLA: 12h engineering response

On-Premise Enterprise
from 10K annually

Managed or unmanaged
Customer Success Manager
- Users: 100+
- Hierarchical Teams (5+ Users): Unlimited
- Login: Git integration (LDAP, SAML, SCIM)
- Git & local projects: Unlimited
- Articles, Documents, Webdocs: Unlimited
- Diagrams: PlantUML, C4
- Corporate templates: Unlimited
- Support SLA: 8h engineering response

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