
Place Git in Focus of your Knowledge, stay in native environment, insist on documentation quality and reduce TCO by 50%

Knowledge Base

For the Git focused teams that love Markdown and prefer building structured Knowledge Base using native workflows, versioning and approval processes.
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Automate by docx-as-code

Experience our award winning innovative approach and let docx-as-code automation work for you. Save time for things you all like.
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Customer Docs Portal*

Bring your support organization to a new level by providing custom documentation portals to all team members for your customer. Provide only the information they need, save their time and reduce your support overhead. No more emails and no more guessing in which of the 100s of locations information can possibly reside.
*coming soon Read more


Our editor supports CommonMark and GitHub/Lab Flavored Markdown (GFM) with some fancy enhansements. Check it out.
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Import & Export

Import and export your content to and from the knowledge base. Keep your documentation connected with the rest of the world.
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We make your life easier, by providing integrations with other app vendors for authentication, Git repositories and others.
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Partner Features*

Service Desk, Ticketing System, Website Hosting with SSL Certificates or Git Repositories complement end-to-end solution and are powered by partner applications
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PuzzlesCloud Data Security

PuzzlesCloud is committed to maintaining extensive security measures that assume organizational and technical security aspects. Learn more about our security features, philosophy and measures.
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Knowledge Base

For the Git focused teams that love Markdown and prefer building structured Knowledge Base using native workflows, versioning and approval processes.

Knowledge Base Organized in Git Repositories

If you or your team is using Git, this is a perfect place for you. You will develop documentation with same workflows you use for code or scripts. If not using Git, no worries, all can be done through our web app.

Different Git Providers Support

Import Git repositories from different Git Providers, GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps and have central spot for your knowledge.

Native Git Workflows & Collaboration

Change of the workflows can be confusing. Use the same dev workflows for code and documentation. That way you will keep your documentation always up to date.

Native Version Control

Laverage best in the industry Version Control System - Git. No change or article will be lost, everything is strictly tracked.

Native Approval Process

By issuing a Merge Request you enforce peer review processes. Four eyes principle is fundamental for high quality.

Non Git Repos Support

If you do not have experience with Git, and it sounds very complex to you, no worries. We provide support also for non-git repositories, just in this case you will lose version control.

Highly Structured

Documentation is organized in highly structured way. Present your documentation in DOCX or HTML formats the way you structure it, by simple drag & drop.

Easy Navigation

Navigate from the same place to any repository by selecting from drop down menu.

Workflows, Process or Architecture Diagrams

Complex activity, class, component, object or sequence diagrams, written in plain text & versioned by using PlantUML. Source file is always available to any team member. No external tool and license is needed.


Guarantee service consistency, standardize your team’s processes and track the progress of critical tasks with checklists.

Standard Operating Procedures

Create powerful standard operating procedures to keep your team up to date and improve efficiency. Provide clarity on business processes, reduce operational costs, introduce QMS standards in an easy way, minimize training and onboarding time, define RACI matrices and responsibilities.


Search for articles in your Knowledge Base, titles of your documents, repository name or username and efficiently use your time.

Automate by docx-as-code

Experience our award winning innovative approach and let docx-as-code automation work for you. Save time for things you all like.

Rapid Document Creation

Use existing Knowledge Base and create & structure DOCX documents by working only with Table of Content in drag & drop fashion. Most of the documents you will be able to create in 33s. Advanced templates offer auto generation of Table of Content/Table/Figures, captions etc.

Editable DOCX Templates with Variables

There is a collection of templates available. You can download template, customize according to your requirements, set template variables that you need and use that template for any document leaving your team or organization. Introduce high standards and professionalism to documentation.

CICD Pipeline Integration & Automated Document Builds

Enjoy webhook service by which update on the repository can trigger notification of our application about the content update. That will trigger the build of the docs and push it back to the Git repository. Trigger could also happen in the CICD pipeline jobs. Update docx/pdf through your Git shell.

Create DOCX Structure with Drag & Drop

Creation of the docs has never been easier. You can drag & drop files or folders and your table of content is created. All you have to do is rearrange the order of the chapters if needed.

Docs Release Management

Release your docs based on 1.0.0 versioning format. Your releases will be automatically counted, or adjust it manually any time at your leisure.

Docs Link Sharing

Share your released and published documents by a link. Anyone who has the exact link will be able to access the document.

Customer Docs Portal*

Bring your support organization to a new level by providing custom documentation portals to all team members for your customer. Provide only the information they need, save their time and reduce your support overhead. No more emails and no more guessing in which of the 100s of locations information can possibly reside. Take control - we got you!
*coming soon

Provide Custom Documentation

Every customer is unique. Provide solution descriptions, architecture diagrams or SOPs to your customer directly from your Knowledge Base or answer customer specific questions directly in FAQ of their portal.

Be Efficient & Maximize Content Reuse

Use your Knowledge Base to populate the content of the customer portal. Replicate content from one customer to the other. Just drag & drop it.

Private Docs Portal

Authenticate your customers to access their custom web-based documentation. LDAP integration is possible to authenticate with corporate credentials.

Provide Common Documentation

All customers have something in common. They will instantly get same onboarding or user guides, onboarding checklists, SOPs or common frequently asked questions.

SSL Certificates Included

Avoid additional costs since SSL certificates are available.

Public Docs Portal or Website

You decide whether the portal will be private or public. Look and feel of your public or customer portal docs can be the same.

Fast Portal Creation

Make your portal in minutes and save hundreds of hours spent on answering repetitive and common questions. Create a single location where customer gets information from you. Refer also to external websites where customer can get additional information.

Rapid Portal Updates

Simply drag & drop content and push portal updates.

Customizable Portal Branding

The portal theme that we provide is fully customizable. Customize logo, header, footer, sections or similar.

Your or Customer's User Admin

If you want full control, you will have an option to manage customer users, or you could enable your customer and decrease the burden on your support team.

Content Update Notifications

Every time you update the content you could notify the customer about it.

Documentation Tags

Tag the articles of the portal so that you could group it in the topics.

Documentation Feedback

Your portal is read only. Provide the option to your customer to make it bi-directional and collect valuable feedback.

Download Portal Docs in PDF

Convert your whole portal into PDF and make it accessible with a single click.

Legacy Docs Download

Upload legacy documentation to the portal and make it available to the customer. Everything will be available in a single location.


Our editor supports CommonMark and GitHub/Lab Flavored Markdown (GFM) with enhancements listed below. Check it out.

Markdown With Extensions

Our editor besides CommonMark and GitHub/Lab Flavored Markdown (GFM) specifications, also supports some handy extensions: Code Syntax Highlighting, HTML Symbols including emojis, table cells merge and native PlantUML diagraming.

Live Productive Preview

Edit Markdown while keeping an eye on the rendered HTML. Your edits will be applied immediately. Editor is WYSIWYG alike.

Syntax Highlighting

You can check broken Markdown syntax immediately. Also, leverage code syntax highlighting for visual formatting view of the standard markdown Code Blocks. Supported languages are listed here https://prismjs.com/#supported-languages

HTML Symbols Including Emojis 💪

HTML symbols such as math operators, HTML Unicode (UTF-8) symbols or emojis are also supported. Do not miss any actual symbols.

Images/Videos Support

Embed images with relative, absolute or external path support or videos from popular platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo and others. Image captions are also available for exporting features.

Spell Check

Spell check allows you to quickly identify and correct errors so you can focus on the content of your writing. Do not lose your credibility.


Add tables to your knowledge base articles. Create table rows and columns using the editor. There is also a Markdown extension for merged cells. Table captions are available for exporting features.

Full Screen

If you need a bigger editing area, full screen option is available.

Scroll Sync

Synchronous scrolling between Markdown and Preview. You don’t need to scroll through each one separately.


Add ordered and/or unordered lists to your articles to explain a sequence or important points.


Create internal links to articles within your knowledge base or to content available on the internet.

Internationalization (i18n)

Our editor supports English, Dutch, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, German, Russian, French, Ukrainian, Turkish, Finnish, Czech, Arabic, Polish, Galician, Swedish, Italian, Norwegian, Croatian and Serbian.

Import & Export

Import and export your content to and from our knowledge base. Keep your documentation connected with the rest of the world.

Import DOCX (Word)

Import your existing docs to your knowledge base. By importing DOCX format, your docs will be automatically converted to Markdown and images will be stored. This way it is easy to import docs from Office 365, Google Docs, Confluence or others. You can also split docs into articles based on H1 chapters.

Import Markdown & Images

Import your existing Markdown documents by uploading it to knowledge base. Same way you could do it for images. Relative or absolute image paths are available.

Import Git Repos

If you already have a practice of keeping project docs close to your code, this is a perfect functionality for you. Import existing project documents, make it available to the rest of the team but keep maintaining it in Git. Colleagues that are not familiar with Git can use our web app for smooth experience.

Push to Git Repos

Push all your changes manually or automatically back to Git and make sure that everybody gets updated content. Version the whole knowledge base without exception.

Export to High Quality DOCX

Export to beautiful and high quality DOCX in corporate templates. For more details please check Automate by docx-as-code section.

Export to High Quality PDF

Export to beautiful and high-quality PDF. PDF is printed version of the DOCX format called pdf-as-code`.


We make your life easier, by providing integrations with other app vendors.

OAuth 2.0 Integrations

Currently we support the following OAuth 2.0 providers: GitLab, GitHub, Google. Avoid password management by using existing authentication methods.

Git Provider Integrations

To import one of your projects to our web app or to push to Git repository, you would need to keep your cool projects in one of the supported Git service providers. At the moment supported are GitLab, GitHub, Azure DevOps, Bitbucket.

G Drive Integration

It is possible to publish your docs to G Drive as well. In order to use this functionality you would have to select Google as an authentication provider.

Partner Features*

*Complement end-to-end solution by partner applications and features

Service Desk & Ticketing System

Enable Service Desk feature and convert support emails in to tickets for your team members.

Website Hosting with SSL Certificates

Do not increase your total cost of ownership and leverage included SSL certificates for your encrypted traffic.

Git Repositories

Use cloud vendors for Git repositories or managed solution in our or your cloud. Find optimum between your requirements and cost.

PuzzlesCloud Data Security

PuzzlesCloud is committed to maintaining extensive security measures that assume organizational and technical security aspects. Learn more about our security features, philosophy and measures below.

ISO 27001 Certified

PuzzlesCloud has achieved very strict ISO 27001 Information Security standards, but also relies on trusted cloud service providers. All our cloud providers and data centers are also ISO 27001 certified. Our cloud services are hosted in Germany or Finland with highest data protection standards.

On-prem Solution

For the companies that have their own hosting and security requirements we also provide possibility to host our application in your environment, public or private clouds. Our application is cloud native and runs in microservices architecture (Docker containers or Kubernetes pods).

Backup and Restore

We do all necessary steps that you never lose the data. Our SaaS solution is performing constant automated backups. For On-prem we will provide you the procedure, or even provide scheduled CICD pipeline configuration to do it for you. If you use recommended way of storing the data, i.e in Git repositories, you do not need to worry about deleted articles or missing content. Every single version of your documentation will be saved by default.

Scalability and Redundancy

Our solution can scale vertically and horizontally. We always keep enough resources available, so that some peak in workload does not affect any customer. Also, horizontal scaling provides us necessary system redundancy.

SSL Encryption

All traffic from and to PuzzlesCloud is protected with 128 bits SSL encryption mechanism, which is considered by the industry a strong protection. There are also additional options available depending on the cipher suite supported by your browser. The network is actively monitored and protected by our team of professionals.

Secure Authentication

Authentication to the PuzzlesCloud web interface relies on the OAuth 2.0 standard with 3rd party authentication providers supported (GitLab, GitHub and Google). Some of providers offer possibility to integrate with your LDAP central authentication server. That way you can authenticate by using your corporate credentials. There is also local, password based, authentication mechanism available.

User Roles

You can provide specific user roles with specific access control, permissions and priviledges such as admin vs regular users.

IP Access Control

IP Access Control allows you to limit access to a list of IP addresses (prefix or single IP). By this restriction you have a better control of who is allowed to access your tenant.

Secure Payments

All our payments are processed by highly secure, save and reliable payment processor - PayPal. Their key areas of keeping us all secure are: Buyer Protection, Seller Protection, Data Encryption, Fraud Prevention.

Privacy & GDPR

We are strongly committed to the data protection laws, such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for European Union. Read more about our privacy principles below.

Organizational Principles

The PuzzlesCloud staff is a team of highly skilled experts who are trained for the security measures. We follow industry best practice processes regarding Vulnerability Management, System Updates and Patching, Incident Management and Human Resources Security.

Secure Development Principles

Our security measures are constantly following industry best practices to build and maintain secure code, as well as infrastructure, including regular code reviews and four eyes principles. Our infrastructure, software, and security measures are constantly adjusted to the latest recommendations and security practices.

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